#指点财津#【317期:冻结电视执照费,英国首相报复BBC揭露其丑闻】过去几周,鲍里斯·约翰逊政府和首相本人涉嫌违反防疫规定参加派对的丑闻愈演愈烈。面对要求其辞职的呼声,约翰逊避而不谈,反而拿BBC等对此大肆报道的媒体开刀。据英国《卫报》近日报道,英国政府已决定逐步取消BBC的电视执照许可费。此举将导致BBC未来6年被迫削减超过20亿英镑开销以维持运营。部分专家认为,约翰逊此举意在转移民众注意力。但是选民会原谅他吗?本期《指点财津》,CGTN Aaron Liu 为你解读。In the past few weeks, UK's Boris Johnson government and prime minister himself are facing anger from the public for allegedly holding parties when the country was under a lockdown. However, Johnson and his cabinet have for the moment sidetracked the issue by announcing that the government will abolish the license fee of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) in 2027, a decision that will cut BBC off for nearly 2 billion pounds of expenses in the next six years to maintain operations. Some political experts say this is a typical example of a cornered British politician trying to divert attention. But will the voters forgive him for his sins? In this episode of BizBeat, CGTN's Aaron Liu explains.
