中国石化新闻网讯 据安迅思能源8月16日消息称,根据英国石油公司的新闻稿,该公司宣布与一系列新的潜在客户就其在英格兰东北部提赛德的清洁制氢设施达成谅解备忘录。
今年3月,BP 宣布了在提赛德(H2Teesside) 建立清洁氢设施的计划,其目标是到 2030 年生产高达1吉瓦的“蓝色”氢——占英国氢目标的 20%。同时,它宣布已签署了初步谅解备忘录,将向化学品制造商Venator和天然气分销商北方天然气网络公司提供氢气。
BP负责氢气和CCUS的高级副总裁Louise Jacobsen Plutt说:“提赛德拥有世界级清洁氢中心的所有属性——合适的自然资源、集中的需求、储氢和管道的潜力、充足的 CCUS接入渠道和合适的技能基础。”
- CF化肥公司是全球最大的氨和氨基肥料生产商之一,将扩大清洁氢燃料的供应范围,以减少其比林厄姆工厂难以减少的燃烧排放,而原料来源的二氧化碳将通过北方耐力合作项目进行封存。
-全球领先的化工产品制造商三菱化学公司将向其位于提赛德的甲基丙烯酸甲酯生产厂(前身为 Lucite International)供应清洁氢气。
- 胜科能源英国公司是提赛德工业园区威尔顿国际公用事业和服务基础设施的所有者和运营商,将向其综合供热供电发电厂供应清洁氢,并在威尔顿国际开发氢基础设施,使第三方能够获得氢。
朱佳妮 摘译自 安迅思能源
BP signs MOUs with potential customers for its clean hydrogen production facility in UK
BP has announced that it has agreed Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) with a series of new potential customers for its proposed clean hydrogen production facility in Teesside in north-east England, as per the company's press release.
In March, Bp announced plans for a clean hydrogen facility in Teesside (H2Teesside) that would aim to produce up to 1GW of ‘blue’ hydrogen – 20% of the UK’s hydrogen target – by 2030. At the same time, it announced it had signed initial MoUs to scope the supply of hydrogen to chemicals manufacturer Venator and gas distributor Northern Gas Networks.
“Teesside has all the attributes of a world-class clean hydrogen hub – the right natural resources, concentrated demand, potential for hydrogen storage and pipelines, ample access to CCUS and the right skills base,” said Louise Jacobsen Plutt, bp’s senior vice president of hydrogen and CCUS.
Bp has now signed MoUs with four further potential customers – with existing or planned new Teesside operations – for hydrogen produced by the project. These can support and accelerate the development of the Teesside hydrogen cluster and decarbonization of industrial users in the area. The new MoUs are with:
- CF Fertilisers, one of the largest global producers of ammonia and ammonia-based fertilizers products, to scope the supply of clean hydrogen as fuel to reduce hard to abate combustion ?emissions at its Billingham plant, whereas feedstock sourced CO2 would be sequestered via the Northern Endurance Partnership project.
- Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation, a leading global manufacturer of chemical products, to scope the supply of clean hydrogen to its methyl methacrylate production plant in Teesside (formerly operated as Lucite International).
- Sembcorp Energy UK, owner and operator of utilities and services infrastructure at Wilton International, an industrial park in Teesside, to scope the supply of clean hydrogen to its combined heat and power plants and developing hydrogen infrastructure at Wilton International to enable hydrogen supply to third parties.
These companies are seeking to decarbonize existing operations in Teesside by switching fuel from natural gas to clean hydrogen, enabling their manufacturing facilities to produce low carbon products as society progresses towards a net zero future.
Finally, bp has executed an MoU with alfanar Company to scope the supply of clean hydrogen to alfanar’s waste-to-sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) plant, currently under development, in Teesside. alfanar Company represents the new project investments coming to Teesside, aiming to develop low carbon materials using clean hydrogen as a feedstock for production.?
